Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Women's Styles. :3


So, here we are, sitting in my warm comfy bed at 10:30pm, my heat pump blasting, and my fingers still ice. >.< Typical Autumn night, to be honest. Maybe it's because my bed is at the opposite side of the room to the heat pump. I may have to fix that.

Also, we have arrived just in time for my first official subject-type post. *blows party hooter thingee*
              <- that thingee! :3
 I'm excited! Are you excited!? xD! 


So, lets get cracking! :)

FIRST UP; Short Women's Hairstyles, 2011. 
Now, I know it's a pretty hard topic to start off on, but I feel it's best to start with just one topic, and continue through them. So, I decided to start with Short Women's hair. *rolls eyes* I don't even know why, but lets try anyway.

Over the last couple of years, we have seen the woman's perception on the instance of short hair change. No longer was long, dead straight hair 'in'. Instead were the daring cropped locks and pixie cuts.

It all started off with Victoria Beckham, the Queen of Short Hair, sporting the 'Pob' back in 2006, which sparked a world-wide fascination on sexy short hair on a woman. Previous styles suggest woman on the early 2000's were only interested in long, bouncy, curled and highlighted hair. This edgy short cut on Victoria was a step in the right direction, as far as fashion and style experts are concerned.
 Victoria Beckham, 2005.
Victoria Beckham, 2006.

As you can see, it was a strong stride against what had been called 'beautiful' for so long, which was what made it so sexy, so desirable.

After Victoria started to really push this trend, other celebs came out of the woodwork having already had this look done, or have gotten it done since it became the now hot look.
Kiera Knightley. 2005.
Sienna Miller. 2006.
Rihanna. 2007
Rihanna. 2008.

These women have all done something that ordinary woman are usually afraid of; being un-afraid of looking like a boy. They have gone out, gotten one of the strongest and most difficult looks to pull off, and they have done just that, leading the way for celebs to call up their stylists and demand they get it done too.
In 2010-2011, the short pixie look is rare, more celebs wanting to stick with a bob so they can do more with it. But there are the few that have stuck with the shorter lengths, and have become well known for it.

Emma Watson. 2010.
After finishing filiming on the final Harry Potter film, Watson went out and got her hair cut off into this chic pixie, which she had wanted for years, but had been un-allowed to get done because of her contract. 
The severe shortness of the cut has brought out her delicate facial features, which helps her in her Chanel campaigns, of which she is the face of.

Cate Blanchett. 2011.
At the 2011 Academy Awards, Blanchett arrived in a pale lavender architectural gown, sporting a new short bob. The shorter lengths have instantly freshened her look, and brought out her very prominent cheek bones.

Frankie Sandford. 2010.

Hope you enjoyed it! xD 

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