Friday, April 29, 2011

An Introduction into Hair. ;)

So, the first few of my blogs will be about hairstyles, and some that I particularly like and kinda want to have. ^-^ But, alas, I am not allowed to dye my hair anymore. Not because of strict parents; no, I have dyed my hair too many times, that if I have to bleach it once more, there is a very real possibility that it will all fall out... and I don't want that. 
So, brunette I am staying until it all gets healthy again... ;3 Well, until my 18th birthday next year, when I am planning on going all out on a Hayley Williams inspired look

^^ Hayley Williams. ^-^
So, I was thinking of having a really really light blonde, like Platinum, under the fringe and down in a layer along the side following my fringe (on the right side of my face) down to the back of my head on a diagonal, with a small section doing the same on the left side of my face but not to the back. Then, have a orange/ginger colour over top of the blond, following it around on both sides. Like these sorts of colours...
See the orange over the right side? Yeah, like that, WITH a dark red on top, because I am a natural DARK brunette, so that way, the brown re-growth wont be as obvious. ^-^ This red, I am thinking. 
The darker red at the top. Mash that all-together, and you get something that looks VERY similar to this:
So you see, boys and girls... I am ambitious. :) You need only look at the vast progression of colours my hair has changed to over the years to see this. I would add a collage... but I'm too lazy to make one. Meh, you'll see it one day. ^-^

I got sidetracked.
Talking about me on my own blog? Would never have guessed that would have happened. >.< 

So... HAIR! 
It is a way for teens and 20-somethings to express who they are, without having to be actually vocal about the point. 
Over the past couple of years, hair has tamed down from what used to be the hip styles of the 70's, 80's and 90's... and lets admit it, the style of the 00's was so reminiscent of those days, it was like we were stuck in a bad 90's music video. (Vanilla Ice, I'm talking to you.)

But since around 2007, fashion and style have taken a turning point. No more of the ill-fitting clothing often found on over-30's around the globe, no more of the high-riding jeans that no matter how much you try not to, you cant help looking and wondering what possessed them to buy those horrid things. (Yes, Mom Jeans are out.)

Well-fitting shirts, dresses, tailored jackets and pants started to come into the lime-light, with jeans now so tight, you wonder how people can move in them, let alone go around doing every-day life in them. 
Hair has followed these trends, becoming sleek, modern, and to be honest, more original than it's 80's and 90's counterparts. 
Loose waves are the most wild styles you will find on many of the celebs these days. No more will you find the over-the-top teasing and crimping of before times.

That is all for this post, I'll be posting soon on certain styles of all different times, and certain trends to look out for in the future. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome one and all.

You've decided to stop in and say hi to the one and only Kaisa Moore, huh?

You're too kind. ^-^

In this post I was planning on telling you what I am going to talk about in my later posts, which will, at best, be scarce, and rarely seen.
At least you're fore-warned though. ;)

So... Let's get cracking!

In this blog, I was planning on talking about a whole manner of things, from hairstyles... the latest music.

 I may even throw in the odd artist review, for you artsy-types out there.
My interests are wide, so you may even recieve a Pokemon rant here and there too.
Again, at least you're fore-warned. xD
Also, if you are lucky, I may post some of my writing on here, just so you can have a little read to see what my writing is like. :D

So... I hope you enjoy.
Veil Liebe xx